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2023 9&10

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작성자 TI 조회 728 작성일 23-09-01 12:56


Go and make disciples
of all nations!

-Matt 28:19 NIV-
September and October, 2023
TI Editorial

Dr. Jonny Chun
Executive Secretary of Tentmakers International

    Since our Tentmaking Mission Movement began just after The Lausanne II in Manila in 1989, TI has been working for Global Tentmaking Movement in North and South America, Asia, Africa and Europe. A lot of Global Tentmaking mission leaders have been serving this new and critical mission movement for ovre three decades.
    In January 2020, when COVID-19 pandemic emerged, most of our Mission activities, including Tentmaking Missions, came to an almost complete halt.
    However, by 2023, the Mission world slowly began to open new doors for opportunities, adopting entirely novel paradigms and approaches.
    In the wake of the pandemic, many Christian leaders started to envision a drastically different Church and Mission environment. This was due to a noticeable shift in the Church and Mission paradigm.
    According to a dictionary definition, Movement is a situation in which people change their opinion or the way that they live or work.
    What are Mission Movements? One study defines it as follows:
    “Mission movements are characterized by two dimensions, spiritual and temporal. The spiritual dimension refers to the efforts of Christians to convert others to the faith: preaching, religious instruction, and the construction of houses of worship. The temporal includes the educational, medical, and other humanitarian interests that cover the concerns of the body and not simply the soul. On a practical level, it is often impossible to distinguish neatly between the domestic and the overseas, the various means of evangelizing, and the spiritual and the temporal. They are all often intimately related and interwoven, both organizationally and theologically.”
    Over the last three years, both the spiritual and temporal environments have changed a lot in our societies and Christian communities. Evangelism and Mission works have become more difficult than before. And we had to re-design our mission approaches and strategies. After giving a deep thought on these changes as a leader, my simple question is “What are our next steps for the Global Tentmaking Movement?”

    This unanswered question is our driving force to press on toward the Global Tentmaking Mission Movement.

    May God give us the wisdom to bring a new sight and tide for World Evangelization!

TI Activities in Asia
    TI Korea held a Pre-Evangelism Conference for Professors and Medical Teams. Last semester, nine professors from eight universities did the pre-evangelism ministry using PPT materials made by TI. As a result, 44 college students accepted Christ as their Savior. For this Fall semester, 27 professors and medical doctors attended the TI Pre-Evangelism Workshop last week.
    Tentmaking Mission Conference via Zoom for Church and Mission leaders in Indonesia - April and May 2023. Dr. Johnny delivered TM lectures during this zoom conference. Heru, a TI leader in Indonesia, organized and designed this Zoom conference.
Tentmaker's story

Mobilizing West Africa for Tentmaking

               by Steinar Opheim 
           from tentmaking today

Aims at mobilizing West African professionals

    Mobilizing tentmakers from West Africa is the main aim when Tent and collaborating partners gather leaders for a West Africa Tentmaking Conference in Nigeria next year. “We must activate the whole, global church if we are to fulfill the great commission,” says Tent Nigeria’s leader, Victor Agbonkpolor. 

    All 16 West African nations are expected to have representatives at the conference that will be held in Nigeria’s capital, Abuja, in February.

“Promotion is starting now, and we expect that the conference will fill up quickly,”


Called to the workplace

    Agbonkpolor is a medical doctor by profession. At a conference in 2013 he got introduced to the idea of serving Jesus in the workplace. 

    “This opened up a whole new universe for me. Since I was young, I felt that God called me to be a missionary. As most people, I saw this as a geographic assignment. At the conference in 2013 I realized that God called me to be a missionary in my workplace and to serve him through my job,” shares Agbonkpolor. Now, he wants all fellow West Africans to experience the same joy and be trained to be good full-time ambassadors for Jesus and his kingdom in their own communities and in other nations. 

Migration and opportunities

    West Africa stretches from Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, and Guinea-Bissau in the west to Niger and Nigeria in the east. 16 nations with a total population of 420 million people, are included in the UN’s definition of West Africa. Close to 500 unreached people groups live in the region.

   Huge numbers of people are already moving as migrants within West Africa. This gives opportunities for sharing the gospel in new areas. Tens of thousands of Christians from Ghana do for instance live and work in Muslim majority Côte d’Ivoire. Similarly, tens of thousands of Christian Nigerians live in neighboring Niger. 

    “Most of these people have moved just to work, and they do not have a vision of serving God and reaching out with the Gospel where they are. I am sure that many of them would enjoy hearing how God desires for them to become his ambassadors through life and work,” says Agbonkpolor. 

From receiving to sending

    According to Joshua Project, four of the 16 West African nations have Christianity as their primary religion, 10 are majority Muslim nations, whereas the majority of the population adhere to ethnic religions in two nations.

With few exceptions, the nations in West Africa have been seen as mission fields

    Agbonkpolor does however believe that all churches have been called to be sending churches – no matter their location, size or resources. Tentmaking gives everyone the tools needed to send people.

    “Those who go are self-funded through their work. So, the only thing you need is committed people. There is a great, unused sending capacity in these nations. Through our conference we aim at mobilizing churches to send more people to strategic areas,” comments Tent Nigeria’s director.The focus of the West Africa conference will be on how to train, send and follow up tentmakers. All seminars will be translated into three different languages – English, French and Portuguese – so all participants should get information in a language they know.  

Fact box

Facts about West Africa

    West Africa consists of 16 nations. Here is an overview of some key factors in all of them: