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2019 - 12

페이지 정보

작성자 TI 조회 2,158 작성일 21-01-31 19:02



Go and make disciples of all nations!

- Matt 28:19 NIV -

                                                                                                                                                                                       ∴ Date : 2019-12-01


Tentmaking Missions and Integrity


Johnny Chun / Executive Secretary of TI

"The unexamined life is not worth living." -C. S Lewis-

   Integrity. It is not only an important factor to lead others but also it is the key to  success whatever it is.

We all know Integrity is not a gift or talent given to everyone's' life. It is a result of self-discipline, inner trust

and a decision to be honest in all situations in our lives.    

   Alvin Toffler writes “Society needs people who know how to be compassionate and honest. Society needs

all kinds of skills that are not just cognitive; they are emotional, they are affectional. You can’t run the society on data and computers alone.“  

   Today, we look for leaders (Christian workers) who are faithful, compassionate and honest. Sadly, we don't have many people who show

good examples on integrity in our society today. We can follow examples but unfortunately there are not many examples worth imitating.  

   One of the most important qualities of tentmakers is integrity. For tentmakers who serve and work at market places, integrity is the key to

successful pre-evangelism, evangelism and life-style discipleship. Billy Graham said, "Integrity is the glue that holds our way of life together.“
   We who should show Christ and His love through our words and life style must constantly strive to keep our integrity.




    Secretary Johnny Chun met TI national leaders at WEA-GA convention last month. He also met some national Alliance directors and leaders

from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and some African countries and talked about TI national networks and future tentmaking movement in their

   Johnny was invited to speak at the two national tentmaking conferences in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh next March.


Can it ever be OK to pay a bribe?

by Steinar Opheim from Tentmaking Today

   You have been working hard to build up a sustainable business in one of the poorer Muslim nations. Several families are now getting

an income through your company. Your business is seen as a blessing to the wider society because of the good services you provide and

the way you handle customers. You have also used some of the profit to take care of the needy in the society.

Asking for bribes


   You realize that the officers who are unwilling to stamp your papers, indirectly are asking for a small bribe that will help them to

take better care of their families. In one way you do not blame them. The living conditions are harsh, food expenses are growing, and salaries are kept far below minimum of what families need.

   Lots of questions are racing through your mind: Can you pay a small “fee” to have your accounting approved, or would that be

bribing? Could you maybe offer help to these families from the funds you set aside for providing for the needy? Or could you just give

them the services your company offers for free? What is lost if you decide that you will follow your principle of never paying bribes stri

ctly and your business has to close? What will happen to all your employees and their families? And what will happen to your customer

s who enjoy your services? What is the correct Biblical approach this situation?

Good tool


   We can all imagine how intense a situation like this can be, and it can be hard to maneuver in a God-honoring, Biblical way. It is thus

important to think through everything and establish good principles ahead of time.

   A good tool that can help you do this is the book “Missionaries and Bribes” published in 2012. The book is now made available for free

at http://www.missionarycare.com/ebooks/missionaries_bribes.pdf . This book tries to bring definition to what a bribe is. It also gives

you an overview of what the Bible says about bribes and practical advice on what to do and what you should avoid doing.

   The book is authored by Ronald L. Koteskey. He admits that it is not always easy to find the right way when it comes to paying bribes.

In the chapter where he writes his conclusions, he states,

– During the months of uncovering new information, my position changed several times on the basis of what I discovered. I realize that

my position may change again.