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작성자 TI 조회 2,062 작성일 21-10-27 19:27



-Matt 28:19 NIV-

                                                                                                                                          ∴ 2021.10.01




by Jonny Chun/ Executive Secreatry of Tentmakers Internatiinal

   "After this, Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. 2 There he met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all Jews to leave Rome. Paul went to see them, 3 and because he was a tentmaker as they were, he stayed and worked with them. 4 Every Sabbath he reasoned in the synagogue, trying to persuade Jews and Greeks. 5 When Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia, Paul devoted himself 

exclusively to preaching, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah."

(Acts 18:1-5)

   Tentmakers are Christian workers who work in another culture with the intention of sharing the gospel and 

making disciples of Jesus Christ to plant, establish and strengthen His churches and His kingdom. The biblical 

example is of Paul who worked as a tentmaker with Priscilla and Aquila while planting and serving His church making disciples.

Why did Paul make tents rather than do another form of manual work?


       2000 years ago, Corinth was a very important city for world trade because of its location. Corinth was the 

fastest way for trade-ships to go from the Mediterranean Sea to the Aegean Sea.  Therefore, trade-ships from 

the world easily could get into the city Corinth and the Aegean Sea was just about 4 miles (6,343m) away. 

Naturally, Corinth became the center of world trade because  Corinth was the shortcut from the Mediterranean Sea to the Aegean Sea. (About 100 years ago, the city Corinth built a Canal connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean Sea.)

   And so many merchants ( business people) from foreign countries came to Corinth and stayed in Corinth. 

And the city needed temporary shelters (tents) for them to stay. And tentmaking business in Corinth was popular. We guess that is the reason why Paul worked as a tentmaker there.    

   In Corinth, Paul was doing something that was needed and wanted for the people. As a tentmaker, he was 

able to support himself and begin his ministry for the people at his workplace.

   In Paul's case, he sometimes received donations and sometimes supported himself and his ministry working as a tentmaker. That is a good example of tentmaking missions. Some are fully supported by their jobs and 

others rely on donations. Today, many of them do some of both. - To be continued -


- Corinth Canal built in 1893 -


 - Glasses and glass products traded in Corinth when Paul was there. (1st Century) -


The Devil Plays Hardball

by Ari Rocklin from Tentmaking Today


The Call


   Dwayne had a master’s degree in English and was teaching international students in his home city. He attended a two-hour tentmaking seminar and clearly heard from the Lord that he was to go to an unreached nation 

as an ESL teacher.

   Next, he attended a four-day intensive course focused on all things tentmaking, where his vision was confirmed.

   As someone who has been mobilizing and training tentmakers for 20 years, I have observed that there are 

3 points in a tentmakers journey, where the evil one tries his best to stop them from going.

The Enemy Attacks


   First is when they hear about tentmaking missions and get excited about the possibility. As time passes, the flame flickers and dies.

   The second point is when they are ready to go, this is when the evil one gets worried and tries his best to 

stop them from leaving. Family issues, health concerns, job advancement, rationalization on being a sender 

instead of the sent, irrational fears of living in a strange culture etc.

   Third point is when the tentmaker, even after all attempts by the evil one, arrives in the place the Lord has 

led them to. At this point the deceiver throws everything in his quiver at the tentmaker through a myriad of 

problems, cultural difficulties, discouragement and a hard attempt at convincing the tentmaker they have made a huge mistake and should return home immediately.

The Battel Ensues


   Dwayne was at the second point, getting ready to go when he confided in me that he was struggling with porn and lust issues. We agreed that he should not go until he had been freed from this sin. He found a retreat and checked himself in for some months of what was to be God centered treatment for porn addiction.

   Six months later we received a report that Dwayne had passed away under unknown circumstances.

   The father of lies has many weapons, and one of his best is getting men addicted to porn which not only destroys their souls but their lives and most importantly stops these men from ever achieving God’s best for their 


   Having counseled too many men with this addiction, I have learned one thing –

   You can serve God with all your heart, or you can continue your lustful porn habit, but you cannot do both! 

They are mutually exclusive, one way changes the world, the other destroys everything you hold dear.

Choose Whom You Will Serve


   “Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers 

served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”