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작성자 TI 조회 2,009 작성일 21-10-20 15:16



-Matt 28:19 NIV-

                                                                                                                                                       ∴ 2021.10.01



Stay waiting or Go forward?


by Jonny Chun/ Executive Secreatry of Tentmakers Internatiinal

“Let us not weary in doing good, for, at the proper time, we will reap a harvest

if we do not give up."  -Galatians 6:9-

   We all know that life is full of changes, opportunities, and crises. And people

today admit that they are unable to adjust to the constant change or crises of

human life. In this unprecedented pandemic crisis, we all are in trouble struggling with this unusual problem. New situations and challenges are seen as heavy burdens to global Christian

communities. And learning to respond effectively to this crisis or challenge is essential to every Christian


   In the last straight 19 months, we have been struggling with this COVID pandemic. We, Christian workers,

began to lose vigor and strength in our Christian ministry. In the midst of this COVID pandemic, Global Churches and Missions still move and sustain the life-transforming, soul-winning ministries but passively. Christians in many countries today could not continue and practice their normal Christian life, such as attending church on

Sundays, sharing the gospel in their working places, and sending their missionaries and tentmakers abroad.

   Should we wait around until this global crisis is over and our routinely Christian life comes back to normal?

   Our inner voices still say, “Go ahead and start a new. Don't wait for the perfect set of circumstances!” Knowing that if we just stay waiting until this crisis is over, we will never do what we are capable of doing, many

global Christian workers do their own creative homemade ministries via the internet, and so on.

 As the old proverb says, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step," to make something good happen, we’ve got to do something we can do in this difficult time. Instead of just waiting for the new

season, we have to take some steps, whatever they are. If there is no step there, you’ve got to make new

steps. May God continue to take care of you and bless your ministry!


Your Passion – His Glory

by Ari Rocklin from Tentmaking

If you answered YES to all three questions, I have good news for you!


   Eric Liddell, gold medalist in the 1924 Olympics, on whom the movie Chariots of Fire was based, said this:
“I believe that God made me for a purpose. But He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure.

” Eric went on to be a missionary in China and I doubt that he would have stopped running when he got there.

Have you ever felt God’s pleasure when pursuing your activity?

    I remember riding my bicycle across the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. It was ten days of

enjoying God’s splendor up close and slow. After climbing to yet another summit, stopping at the top for a

much-needed break, I suddenly felt His pleasure. What a feeling that was!
The memory of that moment still makes me smile.

   What are you passionate about? I don’t mean your church or your family, but what do you enjoy doing in

your downtime? What would you like to be doing but are not finding time to do it? Take a moment to think

about it; perhaps make a list including the things you have always wanted to do but have not gotten around

to doing.

   Then think about how you might be able to include those who don’t know Jesus like you know him into that past time.

   There are untold stories of how God has used tentmakers in the hard places and often the breakthrough has come while doing something they love and are passionate about.

   Sandboarding in the Libyan desert, hiking in the Atlas Mountains, camping in an Algerian oasis, rifle shooting contest with a village leader in Afghanistan, backgammon games in the marketplace in Morocco, chess club in Mauritania, giving guitar lessons in Tunisia, joining a mountain bike group in Asia, starting a diving school in

Seychelles, joining local surfers in Maldives and many, many more stories like this. All of these stories were the catalyst to solid friendships that led to ever deepening spiritual discussions.

The Lesson: Your Passion = His Glory

   When we are enjoying our interest, we are also very true to being ourselves. It’s pretty tough to fake it with a bunch of people who are also enjoying their interest. At our tentmaking courses we encourage people to bring their interests with them and allow God to use it for His glory – Your Passion – His Glory!