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작성자 TI 조회 2,451 작성일 21-04-06 18:17



Go and make disciples of all nations!

- Matt 28:19 NIV -

                                                                                                                                                                                       ∴ Date : 2021-04-01


Tentmakers in the workplaces


by Jonny Chun/ Executive Secreatry of Tentmakers Internatiinal

   In early 70’s mission leaders began to talk about a new mission approach called “Tentmaking.”  

And since the Second Lausanne Congress, Tentmaking Missions has been growing rapidly for a variety of reasons.

- Many countries began to close their doors for missionaries.  
- The traditional mission concept, “Go to a country, invite and share the gospel 

   to the people and plant local churches” didn’t work effectively in many countries.
- Financial supporting for missionaries began to decrease in western countries.
- The need to share the gospel in the market-places is emphasized.

   In many advanced and developing countries today, sharing the Gospel directly became more difficult. In this unwelcomed and 

hostile environment, how can we Christians build the point of contact and share the Gospel to the lost?

   Many years ago, Moravians insisted that every Christian is a missionary who should witness through his daily vocation.“ 

Whether it is the foreign or domestic ministry, I believe tentmaking mission approach can be a key to the solution. 

Not only can a tentmaking ministry become self-supporting, it can also be instrumental in opening doors for foreign missions and 

domestic ministries in the marketplaces(workplaces) today.

   The question in today’s world of unreached peoples is how we can build the point of contact with the people and place credible Christians 

workers into the workplaces where traditional missionaries or professional Christian workers are not permitted.

   How can we send effective Christian workers into the “marketplace or workplace” where most people live and work? Tentmakers easily can 

get into the places where traditional missionaries or pastors are not allowed. Tentmakers as teachers, educators, professionals can work for 

His Kingdom through the schools, universities, and institutes of the world. Tentmakers as business men, engineers and professionals, 

they can serve and do the work of God in their workplaces.  

   Hopefully, we can overcome this COVID-19 crisis soon and get into the workplaces for His Kingdom and His glory.


The Global Job Market


by Phill Sandahl from Tentmaking Today

   COVID has put a temporary pause in the international job market opportunity, but things will soon rebound.         Tentmakers are beginning to return. Some never left.

The Opportunity


   Many people have never considered the global job market and are intimidated at the prospect of getting into it. 

Here are some pre-pandemic statistics to think about:

1. Globally 45% of employers say they cannot find all the talent they need.

2. Countries that do not accept missionaries will pay Christians to come when they bring skills needed to develop that country economically.

3. 70% of millennials expect to spend some of their life working overseas.

4. The number one reason people come to Jesus is because they have seen him in the life of believers.

5. 90% of the Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists will never come in contact with a single Jesus follower.

6. There are work opportunities in almost any career field one can think of. Some of the biggest demands are in the area of education and 

learning English. In business there is demand for computers, communications, engineering marketing and manufacturing to name a few. 

In the services area health care and basic development are always in demand.

Getting Started


1. Begin with prayer.
- Ask God to show you how he wants to use you. God has uniquely equipped you with passions and skills to do a ministry better than anyone 

else. Ask God to reveal to you how He wants to use you.
- Ask God to give you a passion for a people or region. Perhaps you God has already shown you a people he has in mind and you have resisted

 thinking that it is not possible. Seek God’s direction and be open to His leading.
- Ask God to guide your search. Learn about different people and groups and be open to God placing a burden for one of them.
- Involve your church and support group in praying with you. You need a support group. God often speaks through them. Don’t go it alone.

2. Research job opportunities.
- Talk with your network of friends and co-workers. Someone in your network may be the key to your next job. Someone may know about 

an opening even before it is publicized. It always helps to have more eyes and ears help you in your quest.

- Share your vision with your social media networks – Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
- Search the internet. There is a wealth of free information out there. Not only will you find information about job posting, but you can learn 

about companies and their needs. You can learn about the conditions in those countries.
- Commit time to searching regularly. New openings appear every hour. Be persistent and systematic. Devote time regularly to doing 

the research and putting in the effort to find the right job.

3. Prepare for the transition.
- Update your resume, or C.V. as it is generally called in the rest of the world. Customize your resume for the specific needs of the company 

where you are applying.
- Clean up your social media postings. These days you are often known by the impression you make online. Make sure that impression fits 

the job you are looking to fill.
- Build your competencies. Take courses to increase your professional value. Learn more about the area and people where you will be living.
- Take courses to prepare to be a tentmaker. Being a tentmaker means being intentional about sharing your faith in a natural way while 

working. Learn the best practices other tentmakers have found to do this well. Check out the tentmaker preparation resources available. 

[needs a link? Which one]

4. Getting the job.  
- Get help if you need it. There are people who can help with interviewing skills and resume building for an international job.
- Prepare to be interviewed. This will probably take place online and not face-to-face. Know your company. Know how to use your technology.
- Keep your options open even after getting a job. Continue to build your network. You never know when you may be able to help someone 

else, or when you might be looking for another position. Most job contracts are not for a lifetime. Typically, they are for 1-3 years.

   This is a brief summary of some of the information in the GO Equipped training session on the international job market.



   Hundreds of people are finding jobs. New opportunities appear hourly. God will provide. If you do not take these jobs perhaps someone from 

a cult will. Be the person God uses to allow those who do not know Him to come to Jesus.  Remember the number one reason people come to 

Jesus is because they have seen him through the life of a Jesus follower.

   We have yet to find an occupation for which a job opening could not be found. We have only had one person who could not find work after 

diligently searching.