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2020 - 12

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작성자 TI 조회 2,248 작성일 21-01-31 19:32



Go and make disciples of all nations!

- Matt 28:19 NIV -

                                                                                                                                                                                       ∴ Date : 2020-12-01      


Successful Pre-Evangelism and Evangelism  


Johnny Chun / Executive Secretary of TI

   We live in the world where the wave of materialism and pluralism attacks and threatens Christian faith.

Most people who were fed by these ideologies turn away their ears from hearing the Bible message when

Christians try to share the gospel with them. In this global trend, sharing our faith to the lost became very

difficult almost everywhere unless we build a special bridge through pre-evangelism. Someone said,

“Pre-evangelism is no soft option.”

   Pastor Josh also says, "Pre-evangelism is the tough work of tearing down objections and obstacles to a sincere hearing of the Christian message of 

the gospel. Some persons have walls in their minds and hearts that simply will not allow them to give an open ear to the claims of the

Christian faith. When we do pre-evangelism, we may not be “sharing the gospel” with someone, but we are doing the necessary work of helping them

clear hurdles that stand in the way of really hearing the gospel."    
How can we Christian workers tear down the objections and obstacles from the unbelieving world and build the point of contact for evangelism?

[ A Good and Gentle messenger]
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matt. 11:29)
"Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people." (Luke 2:52)

   The Open-Air Mission published a tract listing the qualifications for Open-Air preachers some years ago. These following qualities inform us

a direction for pre-evangelism and successful ministry.

a. Good voice.
b. Naturalness of manner.
c. Self-possession.
d. A good knowledge of the Bible and of common things.
e. Ability to adapt himself to any congregation.
f. Good illustrative powers.
g. Zeal, and common sense.
h. A large, loving heart.
I. Sincere belief in all he says.
j. Entire dependence on the Holy Spirit for success.
k. A close walk with God by prayer.
l. A consistent walk before men by a hold life.

   MaGavran, the founder of Fuller Theological Seminary many years ago gave us a good definition on Missions.
He said, "Missions is neither theology nor science. It is neither church history or anthropology. Its goals and purposes and boundaries are different from all these.

   Missions, to be sure, has used theology, ecumenics and the whole biblical field.  Yet it is none of these. It is a combination of these, particularly suited to equip founders and leaders of young churches to perform their calling."

   As he mentioned above, "Combination" between pre-evangelism(skills  such as  building the point of contact), evangelism and post-evangelism 

(discipleship) is what we need today. For many years, Christian workers tried to preach the Gospel directly without developing any skills for pre-evangelism. But today we live in a different mission environment. We need mission strategies, people skills and materials to build common bonds as well.


They Sold Their Companies to Serve in Asia


by Tentmaking Today

   Rosalyn and John strongly felt that God called them to serve in Asia. After contacting several mission entities

they felt more and more confused.

   “We are practical people with degrees in business and education management and not in theology. In our contact

with the mission entities we felt like there was no room for people like us,” said the couple as they were sharing at

Tent’s online 20-year anniversary celebration last Saturday.

   The couple were successful businesspeople in their home country. During a vacation trip to Asia, they did however sense that God called them to move 

from Europe.

   “We owned a couple of companies and were heading a business-to-business ministry. We were also a part of a church start-up that we enjoyed

very much. It was still exciting to experience God’s calling, and we always want to be ready to embark on new journeys. Pursuing his will was

however confusing for us. It was like our personalities and skills did not fit in with the mission entities we contacted.”

[Bless and share]

   In 2012 they decided to drive through half of Europe together with their 8-year old son, to attend a GO Equipped course in southern Germany.

   “Something clicked at the very beginning at this conference and things started to fall in place for us. The conference confirmed our calling. Now

we understood that there was a place for practical, down-to-earth people like us. We could thus start the planning of how we could use our skills to

bless people and share the Gospel in Asia.”

[Major obstacle]

   The couple sold the companies they were heading and started applying for leadership jobs in educational institutions in the Asian nation they felt God 

was calling them to. There was one big obstacle, though. Christians in the nation live under restrictions, and the contracts the couple were

offered had clauses saying that they were not allowed to share about Christ with anyone.

   “We were not willing to adapt to such terms,” the couple shares.

   They continued to apply for jobs. In the end there was finally an employer who provided a contract without any anti-religious clauses.

   “Now we have lived and worked here for almost seven years. It has been an amazing journey and we are grateful for what God has allowed us to do 

here,” shares the couple.

For security purposes the names of the couple in this article have been changed. We also do not share which nation they live in.