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2020 - 06

페이지 정보

작성자 TI 조회 2,159 작성일 21-01-31 19:23



Go and make disciples of all nations!

- Matt 28:19 NIV -

                                                                                                                                                                                       ∴ Date : 2020-06-01 


Tentmaking, tentmakers, Tentmaking movement, everywhere !


Johnny Chun / Executive Secretary of TI

   Recently, I searched the tentmaking mission societies and  global tentmaking movement via Google site to see how 

is our tentmaking movement going on around the world?

   Surprisingly, there were so many national and international tentmaking mission bodies that I do not know of.  They 

were working actively in this rapid changing global world.  

   I’ve been involved in this movement for about 30 years. 30 years ago, soon after the Second Lausanne gathering(1989), TI (TIE) founding leaders - Christy Wilson, Ted Yamamori, Don Hamilton, John Cox, Danny Martin , Berit Kloster ,Derek Christensen and other leaders -organized the International Tentmaking Network called TIE. Until then, Tentmaking Mission was not well known to the global Christian communities. Since 1989, our leaders SACRIFICED THEIR lives for the global Tentmaking Movement in the last three decades.  As the result, tentmaking movement is everywhere now. And as the catalysts, TI and Tentmakers everywhere will press on toward the divine goal until He comes!    The followings are some of the Tentmaking groups that I found at Google image.  May God strengthen you and your ministries in the midst of Covid 19 crisis!








Podcasts on tentmaking reach far in Brazil


from Tentmaking Today

   Thousands of people are introduced to tentmaking through podcasts published by Tent Brazil and irmaos.com.

   “Podcasts are an incredible way of communicating that is growing around the world,” says Tent Brazil’s director, Gustavo 

Borges. A friend of his, Paulinho Degaspari, is a podcast pioneer in Brazil. His 14-year-old podcast channel is reaching a wide audience across the 200-million South American nation. Together with Tent he is now offering a series of podcasts called 

“Jet lag” through his channel.

   “We invite people who share the Gospel as they work or study outside of Brazil to tell their stories. The program is held in 

a light and funny way, still providing a lot of rich content. For now, we have made 12 Jet lag episodes. One of them is in English containing the story of 

a man from Canada who accidentally became a tentmaker in Asia,” states Borges.

   He shares that new Jet lag-episodes are under production in both Portuguese and Spanish.

   “By sharing real-life stories, we want to prove that it is possible that the name of our Lord can be spread to the ends of the earth by tentmakers.”

   Tent Brazil’s director shares that in Brazil it is common to think that you have to work for a Christian organization or a church if you want to serve God 

full time. In the same way it is a common understanding that mission work should be done by theologians or missiologists. Integration of work and faith is 

not seen as possible or desirable.

   “In the midst of this we are seeing that the global job market is growing bigger and bigger and there are numerous job opportunities across the world. 

Through Jet lag we want to encourage the Christian community in Brazil and show everyone that it is possible to work internationally and share the gospel 

at the same time,” says Gustavo Borges. The English episode of the Jet lag-series is found at  https://www.irmaos.com/405-an-accidental-tentmaker-in-taiwan-jetlag-011/