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작성자 TI 조회 1,809 작성일 22-01-10 20:49



-Matt 28:19 NIV-

∴ 2021-12-01

▶ TI Editorial


Tentmakers' essential skills for ministry.

by Johnny Chun / Execurive Secretary of TI

Recently, I got a chance to read an article on "Essential Skill of the Tentmaker" written by Dr Don Fanning 

(Holism a nd TentMaking Ministries (2009).

He wrote about the problems that tentmakers might know and face when they get into ministry.

Dr. Don Fanning wrote, “Certainly as much if not more so, the Tentmaker must have a strong personal Bible study 

skill and experience in leading investigative or Socratic-type Bible study groups for evangelism. Without this experience, 

the best a tentmaker can offer is a nice person working in a foreign country. This is called “presence evangelism,” but 

there has never been anyone won to Christ nor a church planted by merely practicing presence evangelism.

Since tentmakers are usually professional people, they will be interacting with other professional people who generally 

know their religion, values, traditions, beliefs and personal philosophy remarkably well. Persons not as well trained in their distinct Christian beliefs, Bible content and application, worldview, Bible doctrines, and comprehension of the 

Scriptures will not be respected, even though secularly and professionally they may be very competent.

Biblical and cross cultural studies are vital if there is any hope of communicating the gospel to other people groups, 

because most of them are extremely well trained in their doctrinal beliefs.

Tentmakers need to learn to answer questions, including the difficult philosophical ones such as why there is so much 

suffering. They also need to know the religion of the people they seek to win. In cross-cultural situations, tentmakers will find new problems and questions seldom encountered in their own culture, such as the worship of ancestors, the spirit 

world, arranged marriages, polygamy, and many other issues. Sometimes these issues must be resolved before people 

will believe in Christ. Thus, evangelism is a process of bringing light through the Scriptures."


He emphasized the important skills and preparations for tentmakers who get into ministry as tentmakers and struggle 

with problems and ideas. With many years' experiences meeting a lot of tentmakers, I also can say that " unless we 

tentmakers build and develop skills and tools for pre-evangelism, follow-up and post-evangelism (ministry, discipleship), we might be staying and doing “presence evangelism."


▶ Tentmaker's Story 

Paul’s Evangelism “Method”  

by Ruth E. Siemens from Tentmaking Today


  Christians often wonder, “If evangelism is the responsibility of every Christian (Mt. 10:32,33), why doesn’t the New Testament give us more help with it? It does, on nearly every page! But you won’t find it if you are looking for techniques. Paul’s basic evangelism is in Col 4:5, 6: “Conduct yourselves wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Let your 

speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to

answer every one.” His method consists of a godly lifestyle combined with answering questions which that lifestyle arouses in non-believers!

   So Paul gives much instruction about lifestyle-about godliness in the workplace, in families, in social life, etc. Employees were to provide personal integrity, caring relationships, and 

tactful comments about God.

   He also requires them to give quality work even though 70%-90% were slaves. He also instructs employers. (Col. 3:22-25; Eph. 6:3-5). He describes relationships between parents and children, husbands and wives, (Eph. 6; 1 Cor 7), young and old, citizens and authorities, etc. (Tit., Rom. 13)

   Paul does not teach these things merely to help people get along better, but so that Christ will be exalted and people attracted to him. So he says, “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ so that . . . I may hear . . . that you 

stand firm . . . striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.” This was how Christians would fish out the seekers from 

among the indifferent or hostile. Seekers would ask questions, and Christians were to be prepared to answer them. All Paul’s teaching nurtured his converts and provided them the answers for seekers.

   Significantly Peter taught the same approach, because it was ideal for hostile environments. He says, “Have no fear of them (persecutors), nor be troubled, but in your hearts reverence Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence; and keep your conscience clear, so that, when you are abused, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.” 1 Pet 3:14-17. 

This basic approach is ideal for any religious group in any country, and should be foundational to larger approaches.