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2021 - 02

페이지 정보

작성자 TI 조회 2,417 작성일 21-02-09 14:13



Go and make disciples of all nations!

- Matt 28:19 NIV -

                                                                                                                                                                                       ∴ Date : 2021-02-01


A new way of tentmaking ministry


by Jonny Chun/ Executive Secreatry of Tentmakers Internatiinal

   The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly influenced almost every country in the world. In the last 13 months,

people on earth had to wear face masks, be away from others and close doors not to talk with others directly.

Despite the development of new vaccines in the last few months, many countries get worse and still struggle

with this crisis almost everyday.

   The economic and social disruption caused by this COVID pandemic is devastating tens of millions of people's

lives who are in trouble with their businesses, poverty and disease. Local churches around the world had to close and open the church doors 

repeatedly. Global mission activities became very inactive and a lot of  missionaries had to come back home.  

   The only way for Christian workers to do the work of God now is via internet. Most international and local mission organizations in these days

communicate with others via SNS. and wait for the days they can begin their divine ministry again.    

   What is the antidote for this unprecedented crisis for world missions? I still don’t know what to do to help tentmakers who still stay at the 

market places.  

   TI office recently opened a new homepage <www.tentmakerinternational.com> for our fellow workers. In our new homepage, we put useful 

articles, some ppt-TM materials as well as TI News magazines for the world tentmakers and Christian workers who need such articles and ppt 

materials. Instead of going abroad and hold some TM/TI conferences and meetings, we plan to put some needed Zoom lectures for tentmakers sooner or later.   In doing so, we easily can meet and communicate with tentmakers and Christian workers who work at their work-places and  

serve at the uttermost part of the earth.

   May God encourage you and bless your serving heart!  


TI’s a new homepage : www.tentmakerinternational.com


   TI put useful articles, some ppt-TM materials as well as TI News magazines for the world tentmakers and Christian workers who need

   such articles and ppt materials.
   Feel free to use them if needed.






