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작성자 TI 조회 1,775 작성일 22-01-11 23:47


Go and make disciples
of all nations!

-Matt 28:19 NIV-
TI Editorial

Jonny Chun
Executive Secretary of Tentmakers International

What drives our ministry?
Holistic disciple-making at the Global workplaces


In the past, tentmakers or bi-vocational workers especially in the advanced western countries were viewed as second-class missionaries. Today, tentmaking, BAM (Business as Mission) or bi-vocational ministry are well known and popular everywhere and people began to understand tentmaking, bi-vocational ministry, and BAM as essential mission strategies for pre-evangelism, church-planting, and discipleship.
In 1974, at the first Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization, the worldwide evangelical community affirmed the complementary roles of evangelism and social concern in Christian witness.
In 1989, at the second Lausanne gathering, Tentmaking mission was one of the main issues of the Congress.
At the Lausanne Forum in 2004, mission leaders discussed BAM (Business as mission) and as the result, BAM was considered as an important Christian Ministry.
In 2010, the third Lausanne (Cape town 2010) reaffirmed that personal transformation and social transformation are respective expressions of the redemption and creation mandates in Scripture.
The Lausanne Congress held “The Global Workplace Forum” in June 2019. The issue of the Forum was “mobilizing the whole church in every corner of the global workplace as bearers of the gospel” because all legitimate work— not just professional ministry—is intrinsically valuable and integral to the missional work of God’s kingdom.

Who can bring this vital Christian message to the mission fields and workplaces better than tentmakers, professionals, and bi-vocational workers?
At the WEA-GA meeting held in Nov. 2019, evangelical church and mission leaders also emphasized that “ Evangelical essentials are timeless, but how these essentials are presented to others in society required careful consideration. Sensitivity, intentionality, and boldness are needed to transmit these essentials effectively through the process of HOLISTIC DISCIPLE-MAKING.“
Holistic Disciple-Making at the global workplaces is the issue and assignment that we all Christian workers should take and remember.

May God continue to bless you, your family, and your ministry in 2022!
With many thanks!
Tentmaker's story
                                                        by Steinar Opheim from Tentmaking Today

The word became flesh and blood and moved into the workplace


No matter where you live, Christmas may be the best time to share about Jesus with the people in your workplace. 

“What kind of psychology did you use yesterday? I was nearly convinced that what you shared was true.”

Some friends had come over to our Caucasian home for afternoon tea the day after Christmas. They had been there on Christmas day as well and we had all experienced something unexplainable. Our living room had been more than fully crowded. It was all messy and noisy as people were sitting everywhere and kids were either crying or running around. Our guests were colleagues, neighbors, and friends we got to know during the few years we stayed in our city. Although next to none of them were followers of Jesus, they had all said yes to come and celebrate Christmas with us. 

When I stood up to share what Christmas is all about, the room went totally quiet. The change was so immense and came so fast that none of us really understood what happened. I felt a holy presence as I told a short version of how and why Jesus came to our world. 


Now it was the day after, and the question was still hammering in our friend’s head. 

“What kind of psychology was this?” Coming from a communist background, he had no better way of describing his experience.

We tried to share with him that we had not used any tactics or psychological tricks. What he had heard was the truth and this was the reason why he felt impacted.

Going home for Christmas is a dream for many people. When it comes to reaching out to others with the gospel, going home at this time to celebrate can however easily be counterproductive. There is no other time where you can more easily share about Jesus with people around you, wherever you live in the world. No matter what kind of neighbors, friends or colleagues you have, Muslims, Buddhist, atheists, communists, or others, they all appreciate an invitation to something good. And as you celebrate, nothing is more natural than sharing what the celebration is all about. 


If you do not have colleagues, friends or neighbors who do not know Jesus, there is still time to pray that you will get some before Christmas. Why not decide right now that this Christmas you will bring Jesus to your workplace, your neighborhood or your circle of friends? 

The Message paraphrases John 1:14 in this way: “The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood.” For all of us who operate in a work setting we could rather say:

The Word became flesh and blood and moved into our workplace. We saw the glory with our own eyes. The one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out. True from start to finish.